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Grace Larson

Grace Larson, RN, BN, CertIV(TAE), GradDipClinNurs(PaedCritCare), MAdNursPrac(PaedCritCare), has extensive experience in paediatric nursing, with 13 years in Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU). She’s published journal articles in the specialty area of pain and sedation in PICU, and has presented at national and international conferences on the area of pain and sedation in paediatrics. Grace has previously worked with the ACCCN delivering Paediatric Advanced Life Support in Victoria, bringing a wealth of experience into her clinical teaching on paediatric resuscitation. She has also consulted with NSW Health on quality and safety delivering within PICU, and has been contracted with the ANMF to develop nursing programs for nurses who require additional education as part of their practice requirements.

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Educator Courses
Critical Bytes - The Crashing Patient

How to manage the critically ill patient, from assessment of deterioration, interpreting ventilator waveforms and tweaking ventilator settings, and titrating inotropes.

Court's in Session: Track and Trigger

How good are you at detecting & escalating deterioration? Join us as we follow a coroner’s case & investigate the role of track & trigger tools for managing deterioration

Court’s in Session: Paediatric Sepsis

Despite best efforts, deaths related to paediatric sepsis remain a problem. This webinar explores the findings from coronial investigations to provide some valuable lessons.

Critical Bytes - Malignant Hyperthermia

This Critical Byte explores the recognition and management of Malignant Hyperthermia.

Non Accidental Injury (NAI) in Children

This webinar introduces the red flags for suspecting NAI, our responsibilities to the child and the legal requirements for health practitioners in Australia.

Critical Bytes: Code Crimson - massive haemorrhage protocol

This Critical Byte uses trauma, surgical and obstetric case studies to discuss catastrophic blood loss requiring initiation of massive transfusion protocol.

Lunch and Learn: HFNP

This lunch and learn focuses on high flow nasal cannula therapy for pre-oxygenation during intubation, hypoxaemic respiratory failure, and post operative use in patients with OSA.

Zero in on Sepsis - Promoting World Sepsis Day

Could it be sepsis? As a time critical medical emergency that arises from the dysregulated response to infection, you need to be able to recognise and stop sepsis in its tracks.

Surviving Sepsis - Minutes Matter

Could it be sepsis? Learn the latest information on how to recognise and treat sepsis by attending the not to be missed Surviving Sepsis - Minutes Matter Program

Lunch and Learn: Assessing the unwell child with the Paediatric Assessment Triangle

Unlock rapid paediatric assessment skills to effectively evaluate the unwell child using the paediatric assessment triangle during this Lunch & Learn.

The ALERT™ Course On Demand

Learn to manage acute life threatening emergencies with the contemporary ALERT™ course

Lunch & Learn: Paediatric Ingestions and Poisoning

This lunch and learn webinar will provide interactive cases to identify and manage paediatric ingestions & poisoning.

Critical Bytes - Resuscitated, Now what?

After successful resuscitation, post-resuscitation care is crucial for optimising outcomes, stabilising vital functions, and preparing for potential transport.

Emergencies in General Practice 2024

Essential skills for GPs to help you prepare and manage emergency presentations in your GP practice, Urgent Care and Rural ED setting

Critical Bytes - Paediatric Trauma

This critical bytes session will discuss common childhood injuries, preventive measures and strategies to reduce injury-related morbidity and mortality for paediatric trauma

Critical Bytes - Keeping Pace with Pacing

Stay current with advanced cardiac interventions for your critically ill patients requiring temporary pacing.

PACED - Paediatric Assessment of Clinical Emergencies & Deterioration - On Demand

PACED explores the paediatric deterioration pathways, with in-depth reviews of childhood emergencies & physiological variations across the age groups.

Critical encounters: Demystifying Australia's venomous bites & stings

Learn to identify, treat, and manage Australian venomous bites and tropical stings with evidence-based protocols for health professionals

Medcast Resuscitation Instructor Course 2025

The Medcast resuscitation instructor program develops senior clinical educators with a background in resuscitation & education to deliver advanced life support training.

Thunderstorm Asthma 2024

Explore thunderstorm asthma triggers, risk factors, and management in this case-based webinar with access to the latest guidelines, presented by experts in the field.

PACED: Paediatric Assessment of Clinical Emergencies & Deterioration

PACED explores the paediatric deterioration pathways, with in-depth reviews of childhood emergencies and physiological variations across the age groups.

The ALERT™ Course

Designed for clinicians in pre-hospital, urgent/emergency care and acute care environments, update your knowledge in the management of acute life-threatening emergencies.

Rhythm refresh: case-based rhythm interpretation & management

Test your skills in rhythm interpretation reviewing a range of adult and paediatric cases experiencing rhythm disturbances.

Paediatric Airway Emergencies

Respiratory illnesses in children can rapidly deteriorate into an emergency. This webinar will equip you to effectively recognise and respond to paediatric airway emergencies.

Lunch and Learn: From the Heart

Join our Closing the Gap webinar to learn culturally safe, trauma-informed care for First Nations people in Australia. Build trust & improve health outcomes

Educator Posts
Essential CPR practice tips to pass your online BLS assessment

Grace Larson

This blog provides essential CPR practice tips for healthcare professionals completing online BLS assessments. It emphasises following the DRSABCD flowchart, inflating the training manikin before use, maintaining 100-120 compressions per minute with a metronome or music, and ensuring CPR is only performed on a manikin. A demonstration video is included.

5 mins READ
Managing pacing failure in post-operative cardiac surgery: causes and solutions

Grace Larson

Wayne is a 68-year-old post-CABG patient with third-degree heart block on temporary epicardial pacing who suddenly experiences a bradycardia and hypotension.

5 mins READ
Does Hafiz need a referral for allergy testing?

Grace Larson

Hafiz, a 13-month-old, developed a rash and swelling around their mouth after eating peanut butter, displaying signs of a potential IgE-mediated food allergy. What are the next steps for Hafiz?

5 mins READ
How Graded Assertiveness Can Improve Patient Safety and Team Dynamics

Grace Larson

Explore the critical role of graded assertiveness in healthcare communication, empowering teams to improve patient safety. Assertive communication fosters collaboration and accountability, navigating complexities within hospital settings effectively to create a culture of safety.

5 mins READ
Understanding Drowning: Insights for Healthcare Professionals

Grace Larson

In this article we explore the stages of drowning, CPR's role in a patient's rescue and innovative resuscitation techniques for improved patient outcomes.

5 mins READ
Closing the gender gap in CPR - What is your responsibility as a healthcare professional?

Grace Larson

Research reveals a notable gender gap in CPR provision, with women less likely to receive timely and effective resuscitation. CPR is vital in emergencies like cardiac arrest. This blog explores reasons for the disparity, strategies for improvement, and offers guidance on performing CPR on women to enhance equitable life-saving care.

5 mins READ
‘When in ROME’ ABG interpretation - Clinical OPAL

Grace Larson

Jane is drowsy following her appendectomy. In this case study, interpret her ABG to determine the cause.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Makoa presents with palpitations & dizziness

Grace Larson

A 67-year-old male with a history of hyperlipidaemia and hypertension, presents with dizziness. He has a fast atrial rate and irregular heart rhythm. This article highlights causes, risk factors, complications, and management strategies, emphasising stroke prevention through anticoagulation and lifestyle modifications.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Heather presents with central chest pain

Grace Larson

Heather (55 years) presents with chest pain, there are no clear aggravating or relieving factors reported. This clinical snapshot explores the presentation of undifferentiated chest pain in a GP clinic, emphasising the importance of a thorough history and physical examination.

5 mins READ
Laryngospasm - Clinical Snapshot

Grace Larson

Brett has just been extubated following nasal polyp surgery, but his airway has obstructed and he is dropping his oxygen saturations rapidly. Read this clinical snapshot to find out what happens next in Brett’s management and his recovery.

1 mins READ
Paediatric Croup: Navigating Challenging Airway Scenarios

Grace Larson

Croup, a common childhood respiratory condition, can present unique challenges when it progresses to require intubation. This blog explores the intricacies of managing a child with croup who has a challenging airway, providing insights and strategies for healthcare professionals facing this complex and scary scenario.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Isaac presents with drooling and stridor

Grace Larson

Isaac is a 2 year old child who has presented to the GP for the fourth time this month. His previous presentations have been for a sore throat and fever and more recently food refusal and complaints of a sore stomach. His mother is very concerned, and rightly so, let's find out what’s happening with Isaac.

5 mins READ
The Capnography Detective - Mastering End-Tidal CO2 Monitoring

Grace Larson

Explore essential insights into waveform capnography for aiding the assessment of ventilation and perfusion and guiding appropriate clinical interventions to optimise patient outcomes. This blog summarises the key ways clinicians can interpret End-tidal CO2 monitoring.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Taking blood pressure in children - Should we bother?

Grace Larson

You have just received Stacey (6 years) to the paed’s unit following her tonsil and adenoid removal today.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Marty presents with throat tightness following an insect bite

Grace Larson

Marty presents with throat tightness following an insect bite

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal – Clare presents with polyuria & thirst

Grace Larson

A 19 year old woman presents to the urgent care GP clinic, she has been feeling unwell for the last 24 hours. She has insulin dependent diabetes and is known to have poor compliance.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal - Investigating Injuries in Children

Grace Larson

Billy is 8 weeks old, he was born NVD and is up to date with his immunisations. He has been vomiting for the last 3 weeks and is very irritable with a high pitched cry.

5 mins READ
Clinical Opal #16 - Vaccine preventable disease

Grace Larson

Jose is a 9 year unvaccinated child with a 5 day history of a low grade fever, cough and sore throat...

5 mins READ
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