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Medcast news and blog

PODCAST: Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Milo, aged 26, comes to see you with lateral knee pain. As GPs how do we diagnose, treat and manage this?

PODCAST: Hypocalcaemia
PODCAST: Hypocalcaemia
Dr Neal Tucker

Sundeep, a 63 year old office worker, presents with intermittent nagging loin pain and achy muscles.

PODCAST: Acute Diverticulitis
PODCAST: Acute Diverticulitis
Medcast Medical Education Team

Stan, aged 80, comes to see you with left side abdominal pain and a low-grade fever. This is a classic example of a common problem doctors face in General Practice. In our Podcast we discuss Diagnosis, Assessment, Management & Referral.

PODCAST: Blepharitis
PODCAST: Blepharitis
A/Prof Stephen Barnett

Paul is aged 40, and he comes to see you with persistent, red, sore, scratchy eyes.