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Medcast news and blog

Clinical Opal - Active surveillance

Cameron is a 68 year old male who was diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer six months ago.

Clinical Opal - Taking blood pressure in children - Should we bother?
Clinical Opal - Taking blood pressure in children - Should we bother?
Grace Larson

You have just received Stacey (6 years) to the paed’s unit following her tonsil and adenoid removal today.

Clinical Opal - A child with a rash
Clinical Opal - A child with a rash
Dr Simon Morgan

Your next patient is Frankie, a 5 year old girl, who is brought in by her mother Nora. Frankie has been unwell for the past 48 hours with fever, sore throat and headache. The previous day Nora noticed a rash over Frankie’s neck and chest which has since spread over the rest of her body.

Clinical Opal - Cough and fever
Clinical Opal - Cough and fever
Dr Simon Morgan

Jill is a 64-year-old retired accountant who presents to you with her concerned husband, Michael. Jill is usually fit and well apart from a history of well controlled hypertension on perindopril.

Clinical Opal - Marty presents with throat tightness following an insect bite
Clinical Opal - Marty presents with throat tightness following an insect bite
Grace Larson

Marty presents with throat tightness following an insect bite

Clinical Opal #12 - Deterioration post abdominoplasty
Clinical Opal #12 - Deterioration post abdominoplasty
Susan Helmrich

Gail is a 63 year old post abdominoplasty who is complaining of tingling lips, abdominal cramping and watery eyes...

Clinical Opal – Clare presents with polyuria & thirst
Clinical Opal – Clare presents with polyuria & thirst
Grace Larson

A 19 year old woman presents to the urgent care GP clinic, she has been feeling unwell for the last 24 hours. She has insulin dependent diabetes and is known to have poor compliance.

Clinical Opal - Josie has ‘difficult’ behaviour
Clinical Opal - Josie has ‘difficult’ behaviour
Medcast Medical Education Team

5-year old Josie is brought in for assessment by her mother Beth because of her ‘difficult’ behaviour.

Clinical opal – Is it coeliac disease?
Clinical opal – Is it coeliac disease?
Dr Simon Morgan

Amanda is a 26 year old speech pathologist who presents to you with longstanding gastrointestinal symptoms.

Clinical Opal - Investigating Injuries in Children
Clinical Opal - Investigating Injuries in Children
Grace Larson

Billy is 8 weeks old, he was born NVD and is up to date with his immunisations. He has been vomiting for the last 3 weeks and is very irritable with a high pitched cry.