Medcast news and blog
Enuresis - clinical fact sheet and MCQ
Enuresis, commonly referred to as bedwetting, is the involuntary release of urine during sleep in children over 5 years of age. ‘Enuresis’ is reserved for nighttime wetting, while daytime wetting is classified separately as urinary incontinence. In this FastTrack CPD, use the cheat sheet to help Ethan, a 7-year-old boy, with frequent bedwetting that is causing concern.
Hafiz, a 13-month-old, developed a rash and swelling around their mouth after eating peanut butter, displaying signs of a potential IgE-mediated food allergy. What are the next steps for Hafiz?

Croup, a common childhood respiratory condition, can present unique challenges when it progresses to require intubation. This blog explores the intricacies of managing a child with croup who has a challenging airway, providing insights and strategies for healthcare professionals facing this complex and scary scenario.

Isaac is a 2 year old child who has presented to the GP for the fourth time this month. His previous presentations have been for a sore throat and fever and more recently food refusal and complaints of a sore stomach. His mother is very concerned, and rightly so, let's find out what’s happening with Isaac.

One of the most important assessment tools in rapid paediatric assessment is the central capillary refill time (CRT). It is quick, easy to perform and does not require any special equipment.

Australia saw a five fold increase in hospitalisation with anaphylaxis between 1995 and 2005, which sadly also saw an increase in the number of fatalities from anaphylaxis. The new infant feeding guidelines have had very positive results, with many parents and healthcare professionals embracing the change.

In order to achieve these standards, it is essential that medical and nursing staff who work with paediatric patients receive specialised education to manage a paediatric cardiopulmonary arrest.

This short video presentation looks at the latest evidence on the diagnosis and management of paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea.