Medcast news and blog
Does Hafiz need a referral for allergy testing?
Hafiz, a 13-month-old, developed a rash and swelling around their mouth after eating peanut butter, displaying signs of a potential IgE-mediated food allergy. What are the next steps for Hafiz?
Once anaphylaxis has been identified, immediate treatment is required to stop the allergic cascade from producing histamines, prostaglandins and cytokines, and manage the effects of these agents. Management will include immediate treatment, refractory management and post crisis management.

Gail is a 63 year old post abdominoplasty who is complaining of tingling lips, abdominal cramping and watery eyes...

Australia saw a five fold increase in hospitalisation with anaphylaxis between 1995 and 2005, which sadly also saw an increase in the number of fatalities from anaphylaxis. The new infant feeding guidelines have had very positive results, with many parents and healthcare professionals embracing the change.

The increasing rates of food allergies has been alarming over the past 30 years in Western countries. So, is there a genuine rise in allergies, or just better awareness?