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Dr Kate Annear

Dr Kate Annear MBBS(Hons), DCH, MPH, FRACGP is an experienced GP based in Sydney, specialising in women's and children's health. She has a special interest in public health and medical education. Kate is the clinical lead for all health professional education on QHUB for the QUDTP project.

Kate was previously a Medical Advisor at NPS MedicineWise where she was involved in the development and implementation of projects including the safe use of medicines for older people and chronic kidney disease. Kate is experienced in hosting webinars and podcasts exploring issues related to the quality use of medicines.

Educator image

Educator Courses

Eczema diagnosis and management in primary care - A clinical discussion

Back by popular demand, dermatologist A/Prof Deshan Sebaratnam and GP Dr Anneliese Willems discuss challenging eczema presentations and treatment options in primary care


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