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Eczema diagnosis and management in primary care - A clinical discussion

This in depth clinical discussion covers key aspects of eczema diagnosis and management including application of the new management tools to improve patients outcomes.

This webinar focuses on:

  • Diagnosis including skin of colour, challenging presentations and differential diagnosis.

  • Management including topical corticosteroid concerns such as thin skin and topical corticosteroid withdrawal plus how get the most from the new management algorithm and patient care plan.

  • Referral pathways including systemic therapies.

This educational session is brought to you by Medcast and the Quality Use of Medicines Alliance. 

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General Practitioner Accreditation

This webinar is formally accredited with RACGP and ACRRM. 

RACGP Activity ID: 843459

ACRRM Activity ID: 33324

Course Educators
A/Prof Deshan Sebaratnam
A/Prof Deshan Sebaratnam


MBBS (Hons), MMed, FRCP (London), FACD

A/Prof Deshan Sebaratnam completed medical school at UNSW, graduating with Honours. As part of his dermatolog...

Dr Anneliese Willems
Dr Anneliese Willems

Dr Anneliese Willems graduated with Honours from Monash University. Since 2015, she has been actively engaged in medical education and currently serves as a lec...

Dr Kate Annear
Dr Kate Annear

Dr Kate Annear MBBS(Hons), DCH, MPH, FRACGP is an experienced GP based in Sydney, specialising in women's and children's health. She has a special interest in p...


Recorded Webinar

Available anytime

Duration: 1 hour

1 hour of CPD - Educational Activity

Educational Activities: 1 hours

Areas Of Interest: Dermatology, General Practice, Paediatrics, Quality Use of Medicines


Medical Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners


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