Medcast news and blog
Finding frailty and responding in primary care
Most people have an intuitive understanding of the descriptive term ‘frail’. In the last few decades, it has been increasingly used in a technical sense in Healthcare.
Falls: finding evidence across the Twitterverse and elsewhere
Dr Genevieve Yates
I follow a few people on Twitter who are involved in Geriatrics and it’s a useful way to hear of interesting discussions or guidelines. Recently I saw a tweet by an Irish geriatrician about “evidence based falls’ prevention”, which turned out to be an extract from a presentation by Sydney based Professor Stephen Lord.

A quick look at the Australian osteoporosis guidelines
Dr Cathy Regan
A quick reference guide to the guideline - Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and management in postmenopausal women and men over 50 years of age 2nd Edition.