Medcast news and blog
Clinical Opal #6 - Sexual dysfunction
Terry is a 64-year-old retired sales manager and a long-term patient of the practice. He has been struggling with depression over the past couple of years. Six weeks ago, he commenced escitalopram 10mg as the first trial of antidepressant medication.
Imagine you are seeing Sue with major depression. You have referred her for talking therapy, tried a SSRI then an SNRI and she is still no better. What next? Is it worth adding in mirtazapine?

Have you ever wondered why depressed people find withdrawing from the world their best path? (If you’ve been depressed yourself you might also wonder why you do it yourself when you know you shouldn’t).

Do you need to upskill in mental health? 2018 is a brand-new year ripe for a new training resolution!

I find Christmas a bit stressful but I don’t think I’m alone in that. Everyone has a different basis for their Christmas stress and I know what my problem is. I want to make the celebration perfect for everyone.

– It’s never too early or too late to learn some self-soothing strategies.

It has become pretty clear in recent times that health practitioners are no less subject to mental health problems than the people they treat. More so perhaps! Why might that be?

Here’s something worth reading by Scarlett Winter, a 30 something woman in my practice. It’s her story of recovery from severe and longstanding anorexia nervosa and, although hers is a very specific diagnosis, there is much in it for us all to learn about recovery from mental illness generally.

The next Black Dog Institute / eMHPrac live webinar will be held on 15th November. It’s an auspicious date. It’s the date the results of the national plebiscite on marriage equality will be announced.

Many people who suffer from depression spend a great deal of time looking inward. Even when not depressed, they often have a contemplative or even ruminative style.