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Virtual Educational Visiting

Interactive small group learning for your practice (for 2 or more participants)

Stay up to date with the latest evidence and clinical information in this interactive whole of practice learning experience, designed for General Practices and Aboriginal Health Services. 

Key features of Virtual Educational Visiting include:

1. Interactive Small Group Learning: You and your colleagues can participate in live, interactive sessions led by expert clinical facilitators, in the comfort of your own practice.  Engage in discussions, case studies, and Q&A sessions to deepen your understanding of a health priority area 

2. Free of Charge: Access valuable education at no cost. Our program is committed to providing high-quality learning opportunities without financial barriers.

3. CPD Points: Earn 1 hour of Reviewing Performance Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points recognised by RACGP and ACRRM.  Optional Measuring Outcomes (2.5 hours MO CPD) activity recommended following the visit.

4. Tailored Content: Receive content customised to address the specific challenges and opportunities within your practice. 

5. Flexible Timing: Choose from flexible delivery times that fit seamlessly into your practice’s schedule. Whether you're in a remote or urban setting, our program is designed to accommodate your time constraints.

6. Virtual Delivery: Led by independent clinical facilitators, these interactive sessions are conducted via video-conferencing, allowing for real-time engagement and discussion.

Limited sessions now available for eczema 

Eczema affects around 3 million Australians and is an increasingly common encounter in the primary care setting, often viewed as a minor condition. However, this belies the reality that for many, eczema can be a debilitating chronic condition. Ongoing management can be complex, time-consuming, and expensive, with patients and their families experiencing physical, mental, emotional, and financial burdens. 

This program will provide synthesised evidence based clinical recommendations on eczema management and will assist primary care practitioners in navigating some common challenges in eczema management with their patients.

Alternative activities available for individual health professionals

The Management of Eczema: Interactive Peer Group Learning

Paediatric Eczema Management: Mini Audit


Don’t miss the chance to participate in a virtual educational visit on a range of quality use of medicine topics.


Minimum 2 people per session.