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Maximising Male Health: Healthy Living and the Sleep Advantage

Join us for an insightful webinar aimed at exploring the pivotal role health practitioners play in optimising male health. Our experts will delve into crucial aspects of men's health, equipping you with evidence-based strategies to foster positive and enduring lifestyle changes in your patients.

Key Topics 

Supporting Healthy Lifestyles and Engaging Men in Healthcare

Men often face unique challenges in accessing healthcare and adopting healthy behaviours. Our panel of experts will discuss effective approaches to engage men in preventive care and promote healthy lifestyles. According to recent statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), men are less likely than women to seek medical help, highlighting the importance of tailored strategies in primary care settings.

Sleep and its Impact on Health

Sleep plays a vital role in overall health and well-being, yet many men struggle with sleep-related issues. Our webinar will shed light on the significance of adequate sleep for male health and explore practical interventions to address common sleep disorders. With sleep disorders affecting approximately 9% of Australian men according to Sleep Health Foundation data, understanding the link between sleep and health is imperative for comprehensive patient care.

Webinar Partner 

This webinar is bought to you by Healthy Male. Additional webinars, eLearning courses, blogs, podcasts and more can be found here

Healthy Male CPD Hub


This course is formally accredited with the RACGP and ACRRM.

RACGP Activity Number: 806527

ACRRM Activity Number: 32947

Course Educators
Professor Gary Wittert
Professor Gary Wittert

Gary Wittert is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg South Africa. He trained as an Endocrinologist in Christchurch, New Zealand fo...

Prof Robert Adams
Prof Robert Adams

Prof Robert Adams


Medical Director, FHMRI Sleep Health

Prof Robert Adams is respiratory and sleep physician based at Flinders Medical ...

Healthy Male

Recorded Webinar

Available anytime
1 hour of CPD - Educational Activity

Educational Activities: 1 hours

Areas Of Interest: Chronic diseases, Men's health


Counsellors, Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Medical Practitioners, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists


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