Continuing our Lunch and Learn Series, this webinar will follow a patient case study to provide practical insights into the early recognition and management of neutropenic sepsis.
Demographically, our older and younger populations, and First Nations people have a higher risk of sepsis, and higher mortality related to sepsis. While anyone can get sepsis, some people are more at risk. 25% of oncology patients will develop sepsis, with a higher incidence of sepsis related mortality. Unfortunately, neutropenic related sepsis deaths have tripled since 2001, and continue to rise.
We all have a part to play in the early recognition and appropriate management of sepsis. Test your knowledge and ability to apply the surviving sepsis campaign guidelines in this live and on-demand webinar presented by our Head of Education Susie Helmrich, a member of the Global Sepsis Alliance.
Key Learning Objectives:
Understand the epidemiology and impact of neutropenic sepsis in Australia
Identify early signs and symptoms of neutropenic sepsis in patients
Apply clinical decision-making skills to a patient case study utilising the latest treatment protocols and guidelines from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign
"Sepsis is a very common presentation in my area of work, and applying the most recent evidence based practice is essential for better patient outcomes"
"As a previous neutropenic sepsis patient and ED nurse I found it really interesting and would definitely recommend it to my colleagues"
"Easy to understand delivery, relevant information that I can use to improve my assessment of this cohort of patients"
Recorded Webinar
Duration: 1 hour
Educational Activities: 1 hours
Areas Of Interest: Critical Care, Emergencies, Oncology
Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Paramedics
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