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Keeping the beat in 2024: Medcast & RACGP renew partnership for online CPR

15 January 2024 - Kate Clutton

Medcast is thrilled to extend our CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training partnership with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) for another year. This ongoing collaboration will ensure RACGP members have access to discounted Basic Life Support (including CPR) education in 2024.

The Medical Board of Australia requires GPs to complete a CPR course every three years. Developed for health professionals, Medcast’s online course empowers participants to learn at their own convenience, featuring interactive content and practical assessment.

Aligned with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and meeting RACGP CPR standards, this course sets a new benchmark in online training. But don’t take our word for it - this is what participants had to say:

“This was a great way to learn, the practical component of BLS, the use of the same person in the scenario made for a great story to ensure my knowledge of DRSABCD.”


“The quick video at the end was an excellent way to show in detail what needs to be done in a practical sense.”


“Easy access in a time limited world. Also an enjoyable experience in which I learnt more than at a face to face meeting in the evening”



RACGP members can avail themselves of this exclusive $30 discount by using the code RACGPBLS at the checkout.

The Medcast team are looking forward to another year working closely with the RACGP to support members to deliver exceptional patient care. For more information, visit the Basic Life Support Online 2024 course page.


basic life support medcast racgp partnership

Kate Clutton
Kate Clutton

Kate is a Director at Medcast, leading education projects and partnerships dedicated to improving healthcare through innovative education. She began her career as an Occupational Therapist and has a Masters in Public Health. Kate worked in healthcare advisory services at KPMG, where she delivered evaluation, clinical redesign, and change-management services to government and NGOs.

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